Korea Defense Industry.


long-distance Scatterable shell

long-distance Scatterable shell

A large mobility support system that operates obstacles to long-distance enemy depths and TEL positions using long-distance spray bombs.

Rocket-loaded scatterable shell Rocket-loaded scatterable shell

Mounted on a rocket to target enemies at a long distance.
Weapon system that sprays obstacles

A weapon system that disrupts the enemy's maneuver by firing rockets loaded with anti-personnel/anti-tank spraying shells into the target area.

Features of the scatterable ADAM

  • Installation of long-distance, deep-area obstacles (anti-personnel) using 000mm rockets
  • Drag reduction/impact resistant submunition design technology
  • Design technology for bomb loading/release of land mine submunitions
  • Multiple submunition activation/control technology
aircraft scatterable shell aircraft scatterable shell

Weapon system that sprays obstacles From
an aircraft to a distant enemy depth.

A weapon system that mounts anti-personnel/anti-tank dispersal shells on an aircraft and fires them at the target area to hinder the enemy's maneuver.

Features of Aircraft scatterable shell

  • Installation of obstacles in remote deep areas using aircraft
  • Drag reduction/impact resistant submunition design technology for airdrop
  • Mine submunitions stacking/release design technology for dropping mines
  • Multiple submunitions activation/control technology